CMCP is based in North Carolina
And Welcomes All People
N. C.: N o t e s
"Beware the Ides of March."
14 March 2017: The Mid-Atlantic and New England states are just being flummoxed by Stella as she hits hard with blizzard-quick winds, brutal cold, and over a foot of snow in some places. Probably most places. When Stella visited the South, things were nice and easy. You could even drive on the slushy roads as you enjoyed the gentle snowflakes and the elegantly dusted spring green grass, and the sugar-coated redbuds, pear blossoms, Japanese magnolias, and yellow-bells. She drifted towards the Atlantic, but in true Tennessee Williams fashion... her mood changed. The Southland this morning is wet and cold, with a little sleet mixed in. And them Yankee states? ... well, they're farin' the worst. My apologies to my northern neighbors, I don't know what's gotten into that girl.
Dodging Storms
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1990s - 3,800 open-pit hogwaste lagoons contaminating state's drinking water.
19 million tons hogwaste per year.
Nitrogen pollution in Albemarle and Pamlico Sounds
Lagoons - sludge - high level nutrients and heavy metal pollutants.
bale - group of sea turtles
wildlife crossings - animal-friendly fence - smooth lower wire 16" from ground.
Winter Storms 2016-2017
8 February 2017: Imbolc, or Groundhog Day, marks this time of the year as midwinter, but today and yesterday, it feels more like early May. The trees are blossoming, but as of yet no visible leaves. The temps dip back into the 40s in two days, but only briefly. Meanwhile, New England is being slogged by a generous winter storm, and wicked tornadoes have struck Louisiana.
"Stellaaa . . . !!" (I couldn't resist. : - ) )
11 March 2017: Winter Storm Stella slides into the Southland from the northwest today and tomorrow, bringing up to five inches of snow to the mountains of North Carolina, mainly around Asheville. There was talk of most of the state being covered by a blanket of snow, but somehow that went the way of the sliderule. Hence, my frustration, and the relief of every poor blossom and robin who thought winter was actually done for around here until next December. Night temperatures will still be freezing, and some flurries could always drift over, so we might not quite be out of the wintry woods yet.