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  • Journal
  • Transportation
  • Mining
  •      Oil
  •      Natural Gas
  •           Fracking
  •      Tar Sands
  •      Coal
  •           Coal Ash
  • Nuclear Energy
  • Renewables
  •      Biofuels
  •      Solar
  • Agriculture
  • Livestock
  •      Plant v. Animal


US Environmental Protection Agency


CH2M Hill






Tar Sands Solutions Network


Plant Locator (Impact of Construction)


Farm Machinery Locator (Impact of Our Consumption)


Truck Locator (Global Impact of Transportation)


World Coal Association


World Nuclear Association


Nuclear Energy Institute


Advanced Biofuels Association


Renewable Fuels Association




CDC: National Center for Environmental Health


WHO: Environmental Health


22 April 2015

Happy Earth Day!

Fracking is now legal in NC. So far, no leases have been given. Fracking chemicals are generally proprietary, depending on where you live. Most mining companies are required to share their chemical formulas as well as their methods with government officials before they will be granted a lease. Specific chemical formulas are not released to the general public. On the one hand, a company has the right to have its secrets. But on the other hand, when our health and the health of the environment is at stake, knowledge of chemicals commonly used, in a general sense, is necessary. 

President Obama has vetoed the Keystone XL pipeline, which would carry tar sands oil from Alberta, Canada to the Gulf of Mexico to be refined and exported. However, the KXL may be built in the future, and other pipelines are being built or proposed that would carry tar sands oil and fracked natural gas to various locations in the U.S., in Canada, and in the world.

Plastic trash is already a monumental problem in our oceans, and as they continue to break down, they are releasing chemicals that can be harmful to animals, and to ourselves.

Emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases continue to throw the atmosphere out of balance and cause a number of problems. So we are looking for better technology, cleaner fuels and energy sources, effective carbon sinks, and other means of mitigating (and hopefully lowering/eliminating) what is being sent out into the air. 

"The dose makes the poison"

- Paracelsus

Threshold dose: dose at which toxic effects begin.

Carcinogens: in testing, no threshold dose is set. No tumor is acceptable.

Toxicants: toxic substances that are either manmade or result from human activity.


Coal Ash

Ingredients: arsenic, selenium, chromium, mercury, among others.

Dioxins: polychlorinated dibenzodioxins (PCDDs)

PAHs - polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons.

Fly ash: amorphous and crystalline silicon dioxide (SiO2), calcium oxide (CaO).

About 43% of coal ash is RECYCLABLE. Coal ash is included in some construction materials like plaster, cement, and concrete.


Plant Locator, a construction equipment company in England, has a page on its site about the global environmental impact of construction. Some pretty overwhelming numbers gleaned from this site:

  • We lose nearly 30,000 square miles of forest on this planet annually.
  • In 2015, 43 billion tons of cement was produced on this planet.

So the question here is this: How do we create this world that we make without destroying it at the same time? Everyone in construction, all energy-producing industries, civil engineering, architecture, and other world-building industries need to ask and answer this question before every project they take on. What will be the global impact of that project?

Please visit this site for more information: www.plantlocator.co.uk/impact-of-construction/



1 November 2015

The EPA has banned chlorpyrifos, a neurotoxic pesticide that is used on a wide range of crops and is known to cause "serious brain and neurodevelopmental impairments in children." It can contaminate drinking water.

9 June 2017

Came across something about urging the EPA to ban chlorpyrifos, which has supposedly already been done.  (??)

Toxic Concerns

  • thiamethoxam: highly toxic to honeybees.
  • 2,4-D: an ingredient in Agent Orange, can cause Parkinson's, reproductive problems, non-Hodgkin's lymphoma.
  • glyphosate: ingredient in Roundup - can cause environmental hazards and infertility.
  • Enlist Duo: glyphosate/2,4-D. May be used for GMO corn and soybeans.



Its Impact On Our Planet

Truck Locator, an industrial equipment company in England, has a site about the impact of transportation on our planet. Here are some highlights taken from their site:

Transportation has an effect on global warming and air pollution, and can also cause some serious health problems.

          Global warming: stronger storms, more drought. NASA: polar ice caps are melting at 9%/year. Greenhouse gases from our cars, trucks, planes and boats block excess heat from escaping into the atmosphere. They create 13% of carbon dioxide emissions on this planet. 

          Air pollution makes us sick and can even kill us. Remember the Great Smog tragedy of 1952? Probably weren't alive or cognizant then. Here's a hint: www.history.com/news/the-killer-fog-that-blanketed-london-60-years-ago  Both gradual and immediate health concerns are caused by air pollution.

          This brings us to fatalities. 1.2 million road deaths occur per year on this planet. 27% killed are pedestrians, 5% killed are cyclists.

          Transportation must become more environmentally friendly. Plan your travels better - condense weekly errands to one or two trips, make wise fuel/energy choices, decide whether you want to drive or walk, etc.

          Hopefully in the near future we'll find better, more practical and viable, greener power sources for transportation and our other needs. Natural gas is only a stepping stone. It's cleaner than fossil fuels, but it releases too much methane. And fracking as a means of mining natural gas has got to go - too environmentally destructive and wasteful.

For more information, please visit www.trucklocator.co.uk/global-impact-of-transportation


polyvinyl chloride - soft plastics

trichlorethylene - grease dissolver, dry cleaning. 

smog - ozone, nitrogen dioxide, sulfur dioxide, traces of asbestos, traces of soot. 

shortness of breath, wheezing, coughing, bronchitis, pneumonia, headaches, inability to concentrate, chest pain, lung cancer.

CMCP is based in North Carolina

And Welcomes All People

Coal Ash Chemicals

Among others...

arsenic, mercury, thallium, selenium, etc...

leaking into our water...

Please visit: Southern Environmental Law Center: http://www.southernenvironment.org/cases-and-projects/coal-waste