- Journal
- Minnesota
- Wisconsin
- Aldo Leopold
- Illinois
- Indiana
- Ohio River
- Michigan
- Ohio
- Ohio River
- Pennsylvania
- Mining
- Offshore Oil (?)
- Coal Ash
- Fracking
G r e a t L a k e s
waterforeststarlight online gift shop
Places to go...
World Wildlife Federation
Born Free USA
United Nations
United Nations Environment Programme
The Nature Conservancy
Conservation International
The Trust for Public Land
Youth Conservation Corps: U.S. National Park Service
U.S. National Park Service
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
U.S. Forest Service
Sierra Club
Environmental Defense Fund
Natural Resources Defense Council
American Association of Zoos and Aquariums
Indian Country Today
Donors Choose
CMCP is based in North Carolina
And Welcomes All People
Offshore Oil
BOEM has "mitigation measures" for seismic surveys with marine mammals in mind: www.boem.gov/2012-JOINT-G02/ It expired 31 December 2014 and was written for a Gulf Coast survey, but it gives a general idea.
Coal Ash
20 December 2014
Governor Cuomo and the State of New York have decided to ban fracking.... so who's next?... going once... going twice...